Case study: Layla Subritzky

Who is she? Layla was runner-up on Big Brother in 2012. Since then, she’s appeared on Celebrity Apprentice and is a self-described business owner and brand ambassador.

Social media. Layla is relatively active on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. It’s likely that she’s purchased followers given her low rate of interaction (87k followers on Instagram with an average 1k likes – 1.15% of users; 42k followers on Twitter with an average of 5 likes and retweets – 0.01% of users).

Examples of posts.

Human and animal rights / awareness:

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Interaction with followers:

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Shamelessly tagging celebrities:

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Brand interaction:

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Back stage content:

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How does she relate to Cate? The difference between Layla and Cate is in real-world promotion beyond social media. Layla’s publicity team has engaged her with brands and had her appear on Celebrity Apprentice. Rather than trying to kickstart her career through social media, it’s an (essential) prop to her other work. Layla relies on name recognition for fame, which is why her Twitter features Big Brother so prominently. Her bio on Instagram, however, is almost identical to Cate’s.

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Is Layla a success? She seems to be making enough money from her ventures as a brand ambassador to support herself, although her role as a TV personality seems to have passed. If fame was the goal, she hasn’t succeeded.

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